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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Haiti Comes to Dr. Stevens

Today was another collision with destiny. If you have been following my posts, you know that my childhood dream was to become a doctor and go to help the people of Haiti. Well, today destiny was fulfilled. No, I didn’t go to Haiti, Haiti came to me.

I was asked by a Daily Planet employee (Mike Wilson) if I would do an assessment on two Pastors from Haiti who are visiting the States. I gladly agreed.

The great part about working in a Community Health Center, specifically a Federally Qualified Health Center, is that we are able to open our doors to those in need.

Although we all have to be cost conscious and concerned about productivity, that is not our driving force. In Community Health Centers, physicians are still able to tap into that humanitarian spirit of giving and taking care of patients that brought us to our profession.

So today, I had the pleasure of providing healthcare to two wonderful pastors and great men of Haiti. It was exciting and challenging. As we worked through the cultural and the language difference we discovered that we had more in common than we first believed to be true.

Had our meeting actually been in Haiti, I would not have been able to provide them with the level of healthcare that I was able to afford them today. So sometimes our destiny is not about our dreams for ourselves, but what we can do for others.

Check out New Hope Haiti Mission at

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