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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Colliding With Your Destiny

“When you walk in your purpose, you collide with your destiny”-Dr. Bertice Berry. If quotes were a theme song, that would be mine. For a year now, I’ve been colliding with my destiny and it’s been the “ride” of my life.

I’m one of those annoying people who from the age of seven have always known they’ve wanted to be a doctor. My mother was the Director of Nursing of a community hospital; therefore I spent most of my childhood in the hospital corridors being babysat by the staff and the resident doctors. My dream was to be a doctor and to travel to Haiti to help the poor.

However, like most kids by age nine I also wanted to be a teacher, then a rock star, a news reporter, author, and fashion designer. In college I discovered I could be a doctor scientist and a doctor educator, so I went for it, full speed ahead. Believe it or not, I’ve almost been all of those things, well except the rock star.

I know medicine is my purpose, but I also know that traditional medicine is not for me. Traditional in the sense, of a routine day to day office setting. Remember this is the girl who was going be rock star. Out of residency it was toss between Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine. I loved the excitement of the ER, but overall wanted the long term relationship building of primary care.

After residency, I went home and started a practice. I was very successful and quickly developed a very large practice. However, I was not fulfilled. It was like walking around constantly with butterflies in your stomach.

Choosing what to do in your career can be just as difficult as choosing a career, especially when you excel in many areas and have a heart for doing good. I am living proof that being good at what you do does not guarantee you that satisfying feeling in your gut when you get dressed in the morning to go to work. And that’s the difference between just walking and walking in your purpose.

To be honest I was very good at what I did , everyone was happy - but me. So I tried to re-event my self. I become the TV doctor, I had a weekly show on NPR- I was good an educating the public. Giving back in a different way felt good, but it didn’t pay the bills.

I became a full time academic physician, teaching again was good, it almost felt right, but there was still something missing. I tried connoisseur medicine, no good. Sports medicine was exciting- I tried becoming a boxing fight doctor, that didn’t last long.

I did physicals for congress. Politics was very interesting, “but Senator, could you please not talk while I’m listening to your heart”. And then one day, I volunteered in a homeless clinic. It was like I was seven years old all over again. I collided with my destiny.

From that point, I begin to work with Unity Health Care for the Homeless in Washington D.C. and completed my Masters in Public Health. Then all roads led to Richmond Virginia and to the Daily Planet Healthcare for the Homeless.

Those butterflies in my stomach have finally settled. Each day is different and exciting. I travel to different locations to break up my routine. And although I am not practicing in Haiti, the needs of my patients are just as great. I don’t regret my journey, those experiences having meaning and have prepared me for my journey ahead.

I encourage you to think about your purpose, dig deep, go way back. Remember those age old questions? “What do I want to be when I grow up?” “What do I what to be remembered for?” “What contribution do I want to make on this earth?”

It’s not your parent’s dream or some obligation to do or be anything other than your purpose. And your purpose is something that only you can determine.

Just remember to walk in your purpose and only then will you will collide with your destiny.

Great books to read,
Jack Canfield, The Success Principles- How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, What On Earth Am I Here For?

1 comment:

  1. What a great post. Thank you Dr. Price Stevens. I look forward to working with you!
