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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another life saved .. Thanks Caroline Family practice

Every day I come to clinic praying that I don’t come across a patient who hasn’t seen a doctor in years. The fear comes from the fact that constant neglect of personal health care leads to unintended consequences and the healthcare professionals feel helpless in some cases. Fortunately one of my recent experiences with a patient proved me wrong and I’m glad the way it turned out .
Recently a patient came to my office complaining that for some years he had been experiencing fatigue and loss of weight. The patient apparently thought that it was routine due to her strenuous lifestyle and attributed weight loss to the active life. Although, I was happy that the patient didn’t complain of many symptoms but as soon as the patient indicated that he hadn’t seen a doctor in years, I immediately knew that there is more to the story. We ordered a series of test to confirm the initial diagnosis of diabetes. The tests confirmed my fears. Now I was more concerned that this patient had been living with diabetes for years without knowing it. I sent him to the hospital right away to check for any heart problems that might have developed due to uncontrolled diabetes. The patient was diagnosed with blocked arteries and was operated upon immediately. The hospital informed that if he had been late, it could have been fatal. The whole family came to the office to thank me and all of them wanted to get evaluated. It turned out that all of them had diabetes and high cholesterol. They are all on a treatment plan.
I wondered what would have been the outcome if it was not for the Caroline Family practice. For me it is more than a job. It is a life savior to community which lacks access to basic healthcare and folks who cannot afford insurance. I grew in a household where it was emphasized that a doctor is a life savior. Although I agree with that notion, but at the same time I feel that you also need proper support to make difference in peoples’ lives. I’m extremely lucky that I am working at Caroline Family practice. I’m able to fulfill my childhood dream of helping needy but I’m also doing that I like the most.

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