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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Importance of Service: Venturing Outside of the Health Center

The summer months are generally quite busy. In addition to recruiting dentists for the organization, I volunteer several hours with local organizations to promote healthcare.

For the past five years, I have participated in Virginia Commonwealth University’s Dental Careers Exploration Program sponsored by the School of Dentistry. The Dental Careers Exploration Program is offered to 10th, 11th and 12th grade students from the city of Richmond and Chesterfield, Hanover and Henrico counties, who are interested in exploring a career in dentistry. In this intense two-week program, students are introduced to dental anatomy, operative dentistry and other essentials of the profession such as study skills and public speaking. I view this as an opportunity to expose these future healthcare providers to community health.

In the month of September, I speak at the Improvement Association’s yearly Head Start Orientation Program for the children of Brunswick County. In this orientation, I discuss the importance of dietary habits, proper oral hygiene/home care and lastly the importance of routine dental visits.

Involvement in your local community is another way to share the community health message ---- with future healthcare providers and patients.

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